The following program is an initiative carried out by the Ministry of Health to carry out health transformation activities that..
GERMAS adalah sebuah gerakan yang bertujuan untuk memasyarakatkan budaya hidup sehat serta meninggalkan kebiasaan dan perilaku masyarakat yang kurang sehat...
related to health workers at the Ministry of Health..
This program is an effort to present data on hospitals and health centers throughout Indonesia so that it is expected..
This program is a platform that will provide data integration and present various kinds of data, from medical records to..
The following program is an effort to improve disease control in accordance with the 2020-2024 RPJMN, namely heart disease, stroke,..
The Directorate General of Pharmacy and Medical Devices is a program tasked with increasing the availability of drugs and the..
Informasi dan Layanan yang ada di Badan Kebijakan Pembangunan Kesehatan (BKPK)..