Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

5 Tips for Overcoming Insomnia


Insomnia is a condition that causes a person to have difficulty falling asleep or not being able to sleep well. Not only in adults and the elderly, but insomnia can also attack all age groups. Thus, we need to hasten to overcome insomnia.

Due to insomnia Prolonged use will cause various health problems such as stress, and depression, to various chronic disorders such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Tips for Overcoming Insomnia

In overcoming insomnia, there are several habits that you can change before using insomnia drugs, including:

  1. Sleeping and waking up on a regular time
  2. Eating foods that contain low carbohydrates before going to bed
  3. Reducing consumption of stimulant foods or drinks that can make us feel sick. awake, such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes.
  4. Take a bath with warm water for 30 minutes or 1 hour before going to bed
  5. . Exercise regularly.

Discussions about healthy living behavior can not be separated from adequate sleep patterns, so sleep problems such as insomnia must get treatment as soon as possible, one of which is by changing the habit pattern before going to bed as shown. has been mentioned above.

Continue to apply healthy living behavior and immediately conduct an examination at the nearest health care facility if the symptoms of insomnia or insomnia do not go away so that you can get treatment quickly and appropriately

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