Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Health Protocol Provisions for Travelers


Travelers In the current situation and under the control of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government gives freedom to all people to travel but still pays attention to various aspects of health and the implementation of strict health protocols.

Through the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the Government has again renewed domestic travel regulations with SE No. 24 of 2022. The circular is one of the government's efforts to control and minimize individual exposure to Covid-19 and the spread of Covid-19 to other areas.

The following are health protocol provisions that are important for travelers to do, including:

  1. Use a 3-ply cloth or medical mask that covers the nose, mouth, and chin perfectly
  2. Changing the mask periodically every four hours, and throwing it in the waste disposal of the mask that has been used. provided.
  3. Wash your hands regularly with soap or hand sanitizer after touching objects previously touched by other people.
  4. Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people and avoid crowds
  5. . It is advised not to speak one way or two ways by phone or in person throughout the journey.

By implementing the health protocols for travelers above, it is hoped that various possible exposures to Covid-19 can be minimized while traveling.

Immediately self-isolate and check with the nearest health service facility through the telemedicine feature if you experience symptoms of Covid-19 such as fever, loss of smell, to chest pain, so that you can immediately get treatment by the procedures for handling Covid-19 patients

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