Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Indonesia Prepares Towards Endemic


Jakarta, September 30, 2022

Indonesia is currently preparing for an endemic, this is based on the parameters of the COVID-19 assessment which continues to slope. However, vigilance against the possibility of viral mutations is still carried out.

"According to the announcement of the Director General of WHO, we are currently facing an exciting period because the signs of the disappearance of the COVID pandemic are starting to appear, including in Indonesia," said the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, dr. Mohammad Syahril, Sp.P, MPH at a virtual press statement in Jakarta, Friday (30/9).

The rampant COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are based on an assessment of COVID-19 parameters ranging from case numbers to the use of COVID-19 treatment beds. The first parameter is the decline in weekly confirmed cases since the third week of August. Currently, the average daily number of COVID-19 cases is around 2000 cases. This was accompanied by a decrease in the weekly positivity rate to 6.38% in the last week. Likewise, death cases also decreased to 123 per week or an average of under 20 per day.

The decline in the number of cases was also accompanied by a decrease in the number of treatments for COVID-19 patients in hospitals, where the BOR continued to decline from 5% on September 10 to 4.83% today. Likewise, the daily case with the positivity rate tends to slope in the last month.

However, there are still 8 provinces in Indonesia that experienced an increase in cases over the past week, namely the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and Main Sulawesi. While the other 26 props experienced a decrease in daily cases.

dr. Syahril conveyed that Indonesia adopted six WHO strategies toward endemic starting from communicating risks through socialization to the public that the COVID-19 pandemic still exists with risks. Second, vaccinating dose 1, and dose 2 to booster vaccination. Furthermore, ensuring the health service system from upstream to downstream in anticipation of a spike in cases. As well as comprehensive and continuous control efforts.

In particular, surveillance efforts are also carried out in Indonesia in five stages, starting from the transition from case-based nation-wide surveillance to sentimel surveillance, integrating COVID-19 surveillance with ILI/SARI surveillance, and strengthening community-based surveillance which will be integrated with the Alert System. Self and Response (SKDR) in puskesmas, Hospital-based surveillance, in addition to being integrated with SKDR, but also the trend will be monitored through SARI surveillance for severe cases, environmental Surveillance (ES) will also be one of the surveillance systems that will be developed.

"The community's readiness to remain vigilant includes preparing our steps towards an endemic, most importantly by adhering to health protocols, including the discipline of wearing masks," said dr. Syahril.

This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address (NI).

Head of Bureau of Communication and Public Service

dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M. Epid


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