Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Ministry of Health Launches SATUSEHAT Platform to Integrate National Health Data


Jakarta, July 26, 2022 - Health services in Indonesia continue to transform towards a strong, resilient, and integrated health system. One of them is by integrating patient medical record data at health facilities into one Indonesia Health Services (IHS) platform named SATUSEHAT which was officially launched by the Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin on Tuesday (26/7) in Jakarta.

This platform is the embodiment of the sixth pillar of health system transformation, namely the pillar of health technology transformation initiated by the Minister of Health Budi. This platform is also expected to support the implementation of the other five pillars of health system transformation, such as the transformation of primary services, the transformation of referral services, the transformation of the health resilience system, the transformation of the health financing system, and the transformation of health human resources which are currently underway.

"In the digital transformation of health, we will carry out 3 programs, firstly integrating data, secondly refining & simplifying applications, and thirdly building an innovation ecosystem. The SatuData Health program that we are launching today will integrate health data and standardize data exchange formats and protocols," said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

In developing this platform, the Ministry of Health adopted a Platform-as-a-service (PAAS) infrastructure model that connects the entire ecosystem of health industry players to create one reliable national health data.

Later this platform will become a liaison between various application platforms for various health industry players. For this reason, all applications and health service facilities such as vertical hospitals, government hospitals, private hospitals, health centers, posyandu, laboratories, clinics, and pharmacies must follow the standards set by the Ministry of Health on the SATUSEHAT platform.

The Minister of Health said that the IHS exchange of national health data would be more efficient and effective. Through this platform, people no longer need to carry physical medical record files if they have to move hospitals. All patient medical record resumes have been recorded digitally on the SATUSEHAT platform which is integrated with PeduliLindung and can be accessed via mobile phones, anywhere and anytime.

"Through this integration, we will integrate patient health data from all health facilities (Hospitals, Clinics, Labs, and Pharmacies) into PeduliLindungi. So that patients referred to hospitals do not need to bother sending medical documents containing lab results/diagnoses or repeating lab tests, because all data such as ultrasound, heart records, and CT scans, including drugs that have been given have been entered into PeduliLindung.” explained the Minister of Health.

Likewise with health workers, with the SATUSEHAT platform, health workers do not need to input data repeatedly in different applications. Just fill in one app, which automatically connects with other health apps.

In addition to being integrated with health service facilities, laboratories, and pharmacies, the Ministry of Health plans to integrate SATUSEHAT with BPJS Health.

Integration includes a tuberculosis recording system, a digital recording system for maternal and perinatal mortality data, immunization, a national referral system, maternal and child health, and an integrated data management information system for environmental health and disease control.

The data integration process into the SATUSEHAT platform will be carried out through several phases with the target of completing the data included in the medical resume standard to IHS.

The first phase is patient registration data and diagnosis. The second phase is medical procedure data, vital condition data, and diet data. The third phase is integrated drug data with the drug dictionary (KFA). The fourth phase, laboratory observation data and radiological observation data. Then, the fifth phase, allergy data and physical condition data.

“I hope that SatuData Health will continue to grow, integrating demographic data, medical data, and even genomic data, which we will launch next August. So that Indonesia will have the most complete and integrated digital health data system,” said the Minister of Health.

Furthermore, the Minister of Health hopes that the integration of health data will further strengthen Indonesia's health system which is more sophisticated, efficient, and effective.

Expert Staff of the Minister for Health Technology and Chief Digital Transformation Office, Setiaji said that currently, many healthcare facilities have tested this new platform. The alpha version trial has been carried out to around 41 hospitals including 9 vertical hospitals and 32 DKI Jakarta hospitals and currently undergoing beta testing of IHS in 31 institutions ranging from health companies to health labs.

"This platform has been tested on 41 government-owned vertical hospitals in the alpha testing phase and a beta phase trial is underway involving 31 institutions from different backgrounds," Setiaji said.

By the end of 2022, the Ministry of Health targets that there will be around 8,000 healthcare facilities in Indonesia that have been integrated with IHS and all of them are integrated by 2023.

Meanwhile, it is related to the security aspect. Setiaji said the Ministry of Health had collaborated with the National Cyber ​​Password Agency (BSSN) to ensure the security of users' data. This will also be strengthened by regulations from the Ministry of Health that will regulate the use of the SATUSEHAT platform.

“This regulation has been signed by the Minister of Health. Hopefully, after this launch, we can issue the regulation," said Setiaji

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