Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Ministry of Health Launches QR Code for the Care to Protect Application, Strengthens Tracking and Contact Tracing for COVID-19



Bali, July 1, 2021

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) together with the Provincial Government of Bali and the Bali Provincial Health Office today (1/7) launched QR Code for the PeduliLindung application. PeduliLindung is an application for tracing contact tracing & tracing to strengthen efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This application helps increase community participation in reporting locations and travel history during the pandemic.

“The participation of the community, especially their willingness to independently report their location and travel history during the pandemic, really helps strengthen the 3T (Test, Tracing, and Treatment) run by the government. Therefore, tracking and tracing through technology applications not only makes it easier for the public to report, even when they are traveling, but also makes users feel safe,'' said Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia at the launch of the QR Code Application PeduliLindung, Thursday ( 1/7).

The Minister of Health said that the QR Code PeduliLindung application helps the government and the public in reducing the risk of spreading the virus. First, through the QR scan feature at each location entrance, the location manager can manage the density of visitors. This application is also used to check the completeness of travel documents so that travelers do not need to jostle when checking the completeness of travel documents. Thus the health protocol is maintained and implemented properly.

Second, the PeduliLindung application is integrated with data on COVID-19 test results and national vaccination data. If someone undergoes a COVID-19 test with a positive result, this application will automatically notify people who have been identified as close contacts for the last 14 days and direct close contacts to immediately carry out a COVID-19 test.

The Minister of Health added, ''The use of this application is again proof that technology can be very useful to help people's lives if used positively''. The personal data of PeduliLindung application users is kept confidential and only used for tracing purposes. Regarding the protection of personal data in the PeduliLindung application, please access it at

In the launch of the QR Code PeduliLindung, the Ministry of Health and the Bali Provincial Government are also collaborating with many banks that will help implement the use of QR Code PeduliLindungi at all merchants who use bank services. This of course will be very helpful so that more people will take advantage of the PeduliLindung application it will increase the government's tracing efforts.

"We welcome the expansion of features and the use of the PeduliLindung application to minimize the potential for COVID-19 transmission through the implementation of Digital Tracing using Quick Response (QR) Code scanning, the application of which will target tourism locations. Of course, this shows a real form of collaboration between the Central Government and Regional Governments to jointly carry out efforts to recover the impact of COVID-19 through the "Bali Rise Program" by accelerating COVID-19 control at the community level with a target of zero cases so that the tourism sector can be opened soon,'' said Governor of Bali Wayan Koster in his speech.

President Director of Bank Mandiri Darmawan Junaidi said as a state-owned bank, his party fully supports the implementation of Digital Tracing Care and supports the acceleration of the application of contactless cashless transaction methods at all customer transaction points. "Hopefully this initiative can support the economic recovery of the community by preventing the spread of Covid-19," said Darmawan.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk, Jahja Setiaatmadja stated that BCA, as one of the largest private banks in Indonesia, strongly supports the implementation of QR PeduliLindung to provide convenience to the public in transactions while reducing the rate of spread of Covid-19, especially for the Bali and surrounding areas, and in the future nationally.' “

We again thank the private sector which has supported the government from the start in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that the social capital owned by the Indonesian people, namely togetherness and the spirit of cooperation, can help us get out of this pandemic together,'' concluded the Minister of Health

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