Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Launch of Strengthening GERMAS Policy Advocacy in the Regions


In order to encourage Germas activities to be able to become one of the good cultures that run in the community, the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Health in collaboration with SPEAK Indonesia and the District/City Alliance for Sanitation Care (AKKOPSI) held an event with the theme “Launch of Strengthening Germas Policy Advocacy in the Regions.”

The process of cultivating GERMAS is one of the most important things to do in order to be able to accelerate and synergize promotive and preventive efforts for healthy living, so that people are able to be more productive and the burden of financing health services due to illness can decrease. With this discussion, it is hoped that it will have a good influence on the community, so that the realization of a healthy society can be achieved immediately.

The results of this activity raised problems related to the implementation of GERMAS, where GERMAS is still considered by some as a program that has not touched the basics of people's lives. GERMAS is still seen as only a ceremonial program within the government, both central and local. GERMAS is considered to only aim to fulfill the program's success indicators, as mandated by Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2017 concerning the Healthy Living Community Movement and has not led to direct targets for community mobilization.

Based on the evaluation results of the Central Government, there are still many districts/cities in Indonesia that have not implemented GERMAS. Because based on records, until now there are still 3 provinces that have not issued GERMAS regulations. In 2020, as many as 33% of districts/cities have implemented GERMAS implementation with a target of 30% for 2020. However, the achievement in 2021 is still 8% with a target of 48%

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