Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat


The following program is an effort made by the Ministry of Health to increase public awareness about the dangers of smoking through socialization and smoking cessation service programs, which focus on helping people to quit their smoking addiction. Thus, it is hoped that the following programs can minimize exposure to diseases and deaths caused by smoking.

Quitting smoking is one of the best important decisions you can make in your life. If you are ready to quit smoking, Quitina Bot and trained and experienced counselors will help you.

Quitina is a smoking cessation consultation service in the form of automated messages that is here to reach more people who want to quit smoking, through the social media messenger account facebook, chat telegram @Quitina_bot, Whatsapp 0821-2590-0597 and chat avatar website

You can access Quitina by :

  • Chatbot Quitina P2PTM website on the page Click the avatar in the lower right corner to start chatting.
  • Quitina chatbot via Telegram application at quitina_bot on the page and chat directly.
  • Quitina chatbot via Facebook by clicking the message on the page Via messenger and chat directly.
  • Live chat Quitina via Whatsapp 0821-2590-0597 office hours you will be served by trained counselors.

Here is the Quit Smoking Quit-line that can be accessed via telephone number 0-800-177-6565 on Monday - Saturday at 08.00 to 16.00. Thank you and best wishes for good health.