Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Minister of Health Invites Partners to Contribute Together to Prevent Stunting


Preventing stunting is important to realize Indonesia's golden generation in the years to come. Although the stunting trend continues to decline, it needs to accelerate up to 3 times in order to achieve the stunting target of 14% in 2024.

Asone of the acceleration efforts, on Friday (9/9) the Indonesian Ministry of Health carried out the "Launching Movement to Prevent Stunting with Partners". The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in his speech invited all Partners of the Indonesian Ministry of Health to be part of the change for a healthier generation of the nation. He said that this movement needs to be done because the Government cannot run alone and stunting is not only a health problem but many other factors that affect it such as the economy, culture, and the environment. Support and assistance from various parties, including partners, is certainly needed to cover the existing gaps in stunting prevention interventions. So that together we can reach wider and more targets to accelerate the rate of stunting reduction in Indonesia.

For this reason, the Indonesian Ministry of Health already has program/activity packages that Partners can choose by adjusting the characteristics of each Partner to be carried out independently. Later the movement carried out will be supported by monitoring and reporting back to the Ministry of Health. Not to forget, the movements carried out also need amplification through various promotions so that more people are aware of the stunting problem.

Together, this movement will help 12.1 Million Young Women, 4.9 Million Pregnant Women, and 22 Million Toddlers.(ma)

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