Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Ministry of Health Holds Health Innovation Demo


Jakarta, March 24, 2022

The Ministry of Health through the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) held the 2022 Health Innovation Sprint Accelerator. In this activity, 5 health innovations were exhibited, especially in the fields of health technology (health-tch) and biotechnology (biotech).

The Health Innovation Sprint Accelerator 2022 is an incubation program for innovators in the health sector organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and supported by the Government of Japan.

This program aims to assist innovators from startups, universities, and research institutions in developing their innovations through knowledge transfer and incubation programs.

105 participants registered for the program. From the innovation selection of the health-tech and biotech teams, 15 teams were selected to participate in roadshows in various cities including Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, and Makassar.

Until finally the 5 best teams were selected to showcase their innovative products at the Demo Day Health Innovation Sprint Accelerator 2022 on Thursday (24/3). The top three categorized as Best Innovators were selected from the judging results, including Nalagenetics (Clinical Decision Support), Femicam (FEMICAM Medical Camera), and Secepat Health (NIRGOMO). Meanwhile, the most popular innovations were won by BIGStar (Big Data in Support of Analytical Research) and TeleFuture (Vital Sense).

Nalagenetics (Clinical Decision Support) (Bio-tech) is an International standard (ISO) software that has several modules and was created to maintain the quality of product development for security and data confidentiality.

Femicam (FEMICAM Medical Camera) (Health-tech) is a medical camera made to see numbers and examine the female area, especially the cervix (cervix). This tool can help in the process of early detection of uterine cancer by seeing whether there are abnormalities or growth of cancer cells in the cervix.

As easy as Health – NIRGOMO (Health-tech) is a non-invasive self-monitoring blood glucose (PGDM) tool that uses near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technology to measure blood sugar concentrations in the form of a photoplethysmography (PPG) signal.

BIGStar – Big Data in Support of Analytical Research (Health-tech) is a web-based application with big data principles to collect patient medical record data that is processed into research variables.

TeleFuture – Vital Sense (Health-tech) is a medical device used to monitor vital signs at home supported by artificial intelligence (AI) programs. This tool connects direct supervision by doctors 24/7 in reviewing the early warning system and modified early obstetric warning score and connects with recommendations for continued service directions to be addressed.

Health Innovation Sprint Accelerator 2022 as a means of networking between stakeholders and start-ups/innovators in various cities as well as mapping and accommodating the aspirations of stakeholders in the health-tech and bio-tech fields.

As the culmination of a series of activities, a Demo Day Health Innovation Sprint Accelerator 2022 will be held. At the peak event, selected health-tech and biotech innovators will communicate their innovations to the public and relevant stakeholders.

Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the Ministry of Health encourages the use of innovative products and technology as opportunities and long-term investments to improve the quality and equity of health services.

"Through the digitization of the health and biotechnology fields, the Ministry of Health has three priorities to support the transformation of health technology in Indonesia, one of which is the development of a health innovation ecosystem, especially in the fields of technology and biotechnology," he said at the 2022 Sprint Accelerator Health Innovation Day Demo in Jakarta, Thursday ( 24/3).

Through roadshows in four cities, Minister of Health Budi hopes to be a good first step in creating a Penta helix ecosystem for digital health innovation in various regions. This is done through collaboration between the government, industry, universities, the community, and the media.

"Through the regulator that has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, it is hoped that it can bridge the need for innovation development and provide guarantees to investors who want to invest," he said.

This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected] (D2)

Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services

drg. Widyawati, MK

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