Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Supporting Economic Recovery and Tourism, Vaccination Program Expands for Foreigners


Jakarta, September 29, 2022

The Ministry of Health launched an integrated Health Personnel Information Portal to update data for health workers in Indonesia. The portal which can be accessed via the link of is a form of health transformation, the fifth pillar, the transformation of health resources, and the sixth pillar, the transformation of health technology.

Initially, this portal was aimed at doctors, specialists, dentists, and specialists dentists throughout Indonesia to ensure #DokterTerkini2022 data. But gradually, this portal will be developed by containing data from seven health workers; nurses, midwives, environmental health, medical laboratory technology experts, pharmacists, public health, and nutrition workers.

“Updating this data has been integrated. The plan is that every September the health worker data will continue to be updated and it is hoped that the latest and integrated data will make it easier for health workers to provide health services and also facilitate policy-making related to health workers in the future, "said the Director General of Health Workers, drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM.

Doctors and dentists can update data independently. This portal aims to integrate data from various sources which are currently still fragmented. Health workers can check whether they are registered with the SISDMK (Health Human Resource Information System) and have STR (Registration Certificate) and SIP (Practice Permit) or not. In addition, updating education data, contact information, and places of practice can also be done through this portal.

The Ministry of Health will issue a circular to the health office or health service facilities regarding the updating of data on health workers for doctors and dentists. In addition, it is hoped that doctors who are no longer practicing medicine will return to being active in providing medical services to the community.

For health workers who have difficulty filling in data, you can contact Halo Ministry of Health at 1500-567 or email [email protected].

This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected]. (D2)

Head of Bureau of Communication and Public Service

dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M. Epi

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