Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

4 Common Symptoms of Dehydration Body


Lack of water levels in the body can be a threat to dehydration and dangerous for the body. Dehydration is a condition where a person loses more fluids in the body than they take in.

Dehydration can not only be felt by adults, but also by infants, children, and the elderly. There are variations in the symptoms of dehydration experienced, and depending on the severity, many people do not realize that their body is dehydrated.

For this reason, knowing the general symptoms of dehydration is important to know to avoid the dangers of dehydration such as damaging kidney function, increasing the risk of developing kidney stones, and causing muscle damage.

Symptoms of Dehydration to Watch Out for

The following are 4 common symptoms of a person experiencing dehydration, including:

  1. Feeling dizzy
  2. Fatigue/lack of energy
  3. Urinating infrequently
  4. Feeling dry in the mouth, lips, and eyes.

By knowing the symptoms of dehydration above, it is expected to be able to increase awareness and awareness of yourself to want to meet the needs of fluids in the body. The recommended consumption of water for adults is 2 liters per day. Apart from drinks, food can also provide fluid intake to the body, which is about 20% which can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, such as spinach and watermelon which contain 90% water. 

Continue to apply the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) to maintain health. Immediately check with the nearest health service facility if you experience symptoms of illness that arise due to dehydration so that you can get treatment quickly and quickly by health workers

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