Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

KOLASE Activities to Improve JKN Services at First Level Health Facilities


Bogor, Jamkesnews - BPJS Kesehatan Bogor Branch in collaboration with specialist doctors held a Specialist Collaboration (KOLAGE) activity to refresh and improve the competence of health workers in health facilities in collaboration with BPJS Health. It is hoped that by holding this activity, health workers, especially doctors, can provide optimal health services with new knowledge.

Head of BPJS Kesehatan Bogor Branch Fahrurozi said that BPJS Kesehatan Bogor Branch in order to provide the best service for JKN participants needs to increase the ability and competence of health service providers in collaboration with BPJS Health. One of them is the COLLAGE activity which invites specialist doctors to provide new knowledge to health workers, especially general practitioners so that they can provide optimal and good health services.   

“With changes in people's lifestyles, changes also occur in the world of health because of this. For this reason, BPJS Kesehatan Bogor Branch invites internal medicine specialists and clinical nutrition specialists as speakers to 17 health facilities in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan. It is hoped that the competence and ability of these health workers in dealing with hypertension and diabetes mellitus can be optimal, both in terms of internal diseases and also the nutritional patterns that must be given to patients or JKN participants," said Fahrurozi at the COLLAGE event, Wednesday (14/09). .

On the same occasion, one of the participants of the Minarti activity who is a doctor from a health facility said that this activity really helps health workers to increase their knowledge and can also provide the best service to patients, especially to JKN participants who have a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

“I hope that this COLLAGE activity can be carried out regularly so that our competence as health workers can always be updated by gaining new knowledge so that we can provide the best and optimal service to JKN participants in particular. We really appreciate BPJS Health for holding this activity and we can also immediately apply the knowledge we have learned after this activity is over," Minarti said to the Jamkesnews team. (hr)

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