Yogyakarta, 28 March 2022
The Ministry of Health held a series of Health Working Group (HWG) meetings titled "Harmonizing Global Health Protocol Standards" in Yogyakarta on 28-30 March 2022.
As part of the G20 Presidency Sherpa Track series, this first meeting was held offline and online and attended by around 70 foreign delegates and 50 local delegates.
The HWG 1 agenda will specifically discuss one of three priority issues in the health sector in the G20 Presidency, namely the harmonization of global health protocol standards for travel between countries.
Meanwhile, the HWG 2 agenda will discuss building global health resilience. And the 3rd HWG Agenda will discuss the construction of study centers and manufacturing for prevention, preparation, and response to the upcoming health crisis.
Alignment of health protocols between countries is urgently needed to support interconnectivity and connectivity of health information systems from various countries to facilitate international travel.
Over the next 3 days, the HWG 1 meeting will be divided into 6 discussion sessions. Session 1 discusses Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates, session 2 discusses Harmonizing Global Health Protocols, session 3 discusses Harmonizing Global Health Protocols, session 4 discusses Sharing National Experiences and Best Practices in Implementing Policy and Mutual Recognition, session 5 discusses Harmonizing Global Health Protocols and session 6 are closing, namely Follow Up and Concluding Plenary Session. Each session will involve experts and speakers from various countries.
Through these various sessions, it is hoped that they can produce agreements that can encourage the implementation of harmonization of global health protocols so that mobility between countries will be more secure and also accelerate the recovery of the world economy.
After the six sessions are completed, the HWG 1 agenda will be continued with the G20 Tuberculosis Side Event which will take place on 29-30 March 2022.
With the theme "TBC Control Financing: Overcoming COVID-19 Disruption and Building Future Pandemic Preparedness", this meeting became an important momentum to strengthen global commitments to end TB by 2030, especially commitments to increase funding for sustainable TB prevention and control.
Corona Virus Hotline 119 ext 9. This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected] (MF).
Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services,
drg. Widyawati, MKM