Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Series of Health Transformations by Minister of Health Budi



The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin initiated a transformation in the health sector. He has determined that there are 6 types of transformation that will be carried out, namely the transformation of Primary Services, Referral Services, Health Resilience Systems, Health Financing Systems, Health Human Resources, and Health Technology.

"We carried out six transformations, the first is this primary service which is the most important in preventive promotion, the second is the transformation of hospital referral services, the third is the transformation of the health resilience system if there is another pandemic so that we are better prepared in terms of medicines, medical equipment. , the reserve health workers go there, including surveillance of infectious diseases. We want to make sure both local, national and regional must be ready," he said, Tuesday (31/5).

Minister of Health Budi continued that the fourth transformation was the transformation of the Health Financing system. Most of this is in BPJS, but there is also private insurance and it must be ensured that it is sustainable. The fifth transformation is Health HR and the sixth is Health Technology transformation, this is related to information technology and biotechnology.

"Those are 6 big frameworks that we will pursue until 2024," he said.

Primary Service Transformation

Health Budi said that currently there are around 12 thousand Puskesmas spread across all regions of Indonesia. He assessed that this amount would not achieve equal distribution of health services. There are a number of programs that will be carried out, including restructuring the network of health care facilities.

He will revitalize the Posyandu to become more formal with the appropriate budget. Later this Posyandu can be regulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration. This Posyandu will act more actively not only serving babies and mothers but will serve the entire life cycle including adolescents, adults, and the elderly.

Minister of Health Budi also considered the need to reform public health laboratories.

"So every Puskesmas can perform laboratory services, for example 100 tests, then on top of it is a district/city health laboratory, on top of it a provincial laboratory, then regional and national laboratories," said Budi.

Referral Service

Transformation This transformation will begin with the three leading causes of death in Indonesia, namely heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

For example, for heart disease, the problem is that not all provinces have hospitals with facilities to install a ring in the heart.

"The data I have from 34 provinces that can carry out ring tide operations are only 28 provinces. Then if the patient has already been fitted with a ring, the next step is open heart surgery. This number has dropped again from 28 provinces, if I'm not mistaken, to 22 provinces," said Minister of Health Budi.

Minister of Health said Budi, his party has a target that hospitals in all provinces by 2024, must be able to serve heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

"Access to certain services and service standards for heart, stroke, and cancer I want to be evenly available in all provinces," said Minister of Health Budi.

Every hospital with doctors who excel, he added, he will meet with doctors from other countries to establish cooperation. Meanwhile, the best doctors from abroad will be brought to Indonesia to increase the capacity of Indonesian doctors.

Health Resilience

Health Budi said he wanted to ensure that all diagnostic and therapeutic vaccines were available in Indonesia. At least 50% of it is produced domestically from upstream to downstream.

"We want to make sure that we have made a plan later, this is more applicable to friends in the pharmaceutical and industrial fields. So if they produce domestically, all government procurement will give priority to them,” said Budi.

Health Financing

What will be done regarding the transformation of health financing is to carry out transparency and good calculations. This is to avoid problems between service providers and those who pay for services.

"We will make an annual health account every year and it is the obligation of all health facilities to report it," said Budi.

This annual health account must exist in order to measure its transparency. Minister of Health Budi assessed that with this information, the information became symmetrical now that the information is asymmetrical.

"We will make the information symmetrical and we will make it in the form of a regulation so that it will be transparent," he said.

Health HR

The standard number of doctors is one per 1000 population. Needs in Indonesia are still not met coupled with an uneven distribution.

The distribution of quality health human resources is needed to increase public access to health services. One of the efforts made is through the academic health system.

The academic health system is a policy model that accommodates the potential of each institution into a set of visions based on community needs. This concept is an integration of degree medical education, with other health professional education programs that have teaching hospitals or are affiliated with teaching hospitals, health systems, and health care organizations.

Through the academic health system, it is expected to be able to calculate the number and types of graduates of Health Human Resources and meet regional needs; Define the profile and values ​​of Health Human Resources needed in the region; and determine the distribution pattern of sustainable Health Human Resources starting from primary to tertiary services.

The need for doctors must be increased, there must be acceleration and in the last 10 years the acceleration has been very slow. So this must be accelerated, both general practitioners and specialists," said Minister of Health Budi.

Health Technology

One of the health technology transformations that are being pursued apart from the PeduliLindung application, Minister of Health Budi said that his party will ensure that medical records in hospitals are recorded and recorded properly digitally. He will ask the health workers at the health facility to submit the entire medical record to the patient.

“So we have arranged the standard medical records, we have arranged the dictionaries. So, for example, the ABC brand of stomach pain medicine must have the same code in all hospitals. Then other services have the same code," he said.

This will then be added to the hospital's database. So that if one patient moves hospital, the patient does not need to do another X-ray or repeat blood test so that it will be much more efficient

“So that information about the patient will be more transparent to the patient himself and all the data belongs to the patient.


Minister of Health Budi hopes that biotechnology can be used as a sophisticated diagnostic tool. Previously to see a person's health condition taken from the blood, MRI, CT Scan.

"In the future, the diagnosis will use genome sequencing because with this it can be seen in really detail, what is the condition in our bodies, what is our health, even in the future what it can be like," he said.

Currently there are only 12 genome sequencing machines, Minister of Health Budi continued, later there will be around 30 that will be used in the home. The national reference includes Dharmais Cancer Hospital, PON Hospital for stroke, RSCM for metabolic diseases such as diabetes and kidney, Hospital in Yogyakarta, then RSPI for infection, and RS Sanglah for aging and wellness.

This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected] (D2).

Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services,

drg. Widyawati, MK

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