Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

SATUSEHAT, The Indonesia's Digital Health Service Platform


Ministry of Health introduced a digital platform that will integrate patient medical record data in health care facilities into an information system called SATUSEHAT. This digital platform is expected to be beneficial for both health care providers and patients.

The Minister of Health said that this platform will integrate patient health data from all health facilities such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies into PeduliLindung.

"So that patients who are referred to hospitals don't have to bother sending medical documents containing lab results/diagnosis or repeating lab examinations, because all data such as ultrasound, heart records, CT scans, including drugs that have been given have been entered into PeduliLindung," said the Minister of Health in Jakarta. 26 July 2022.

This platform is also expected to provide convenience to health workers because they do not need to enter data repeatedly into various applications. Data is simply entered in SATUSEHAT, it will be directly connected to other health applications.

After the launch of this platform, it is hoped that regulations will be issued requiring every health application and health service facility to follow the standards set by the Ministry of Health on the SATUSEHAT platform. The Ministry of Health also plans to integrate SATUSEHAT with BPJS Health.

“I hope that One Health Data will continue to grow, integrating demographic data, medical data, and even genomic data, which we will launch next August. So that Indonesia will have the most complete and integrated digital health data system," said the Minister of Health.

Expert Staff of the Minister for Health Technology and Chief Digital Transformation Office, Setiaji, said that the trial of the alpha version had been carried out to around 41 hospitals, including 9 vertical hospitals and 32 DKI Jakarta Regional General Hospitals. IHS beta trials are currently underway at 31 institutions, from healthcare companies to health laboratories. By the end of 2022, the Ministry of Health targets that there will be around 8,000 health care facilities that have been integrated with SATUSEHAT and fully integrated by 2023.

Setiaji said the Ministry of Health has collaborated with the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) to ensure the security of users' personal data. This will also be strengthened by regulations from the Ministry of Health that will regulate the use of the SATUSEHAT platform.

“This regulation has been signed by the Minister of Health. Hopefully after launch we can issue the regulation," Setiaji said.

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